5 Housing Rentals for Staying In Vietnam (For Each Budget)
Living in a new country can be very challenging for a lot of people: a new culture to know, new places to explore, and new housing to get. Unlike most countries, the law in Vietnam prohibits anyone from owning land. That means you can’t own a patch of land, but you can get your own home. Based on your available budget and usage, you’ll have a lot of housing options to choose from.
For people who want to enjoy their vacation with a little bit of privacy that some hotels cannot offer, one of the existing options is to get a villa. It is going to be expensive, but you will get the most comfort, most privacy, and most amenities in your stay than in any other option. Most villa owners are willing to rent their properties by night, week, or even by months. Take note that this is for the short-term stay only. You’d probably want to seek other options if you’re visiting Vietnam for other reasons.
Work-Related Residence (Short Term)
If you’re in the country for a work-related reason, staying in a hotel is a great option. And that’s if you’re only staying for a few days. But what if you’re planning to stay for a couple of months to one year? Apartments for rent in Vietnam come in two types: the normal and the serviced. In a short-term stay, having a Serviced Apartment is the most convenient and cost-effective option. You will have amenities such as housekeeping, gym, restaurants, and more and are usually designed for one-person use.
Work-Related Residence (Long Term)
For a long-term stay (about a year or so), getting an average apartment is your best bet. A typical apartment is what you’d typically see in a movie: deal with landlords, annoying neighbors, and even deal with the lack of utilities. However, ordinary apartments can save you a lot of money. Serviced apartments usually cost $800 or more in 2012, while Normal apartments are only $500. Just make that if you’re going to rent an apartment, avoid renting properties that are built during the ’80s and ’90s because most of these properties are obsolete now.
Rural Home
One of the best options when moving to Vietnam with a family or pet is renting a house. You’ll have a lot of space, more chances of expansion, and adding more facilities such as a garage or a garden. A rural home is usually offered in a one or two-year contract. Its a very pricey alternative for renting apartments, but it will be worth it if you want to live in a rural area. Take note that the size and location are crucial to your monthly or yearly rent.
Student/Budget Oriented
Last but not least, sharing an apartment is one of the greatest ways to use money. Most shared apartments cost between $200 or more to rent per month. Only use this option if your budget is restricted.